Duncan Lardeau Juvenile Rainbow Trout Abundance 2023

The suggested citation for this analytic report is:

Thorley, J.L. and Amies-Galonski, E. (2023) Duncan Lardeau Juvenile Rainbow Trout Abundance 2023. A Poisson Consulting Analytic Appendix. URL: https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/1491296951.


Rainbow Trout rear in the Lardeau and Lower Duncan rivers. Since 2006 (with the exception of 2015) annual spring snorkel surveys have been conducted to estimate the abundance and distribution of age-1 Rainbow Trout. From 2006 to 2010 the surveys were conducted at fixed index sites. Since 2011 fish observations have been mapped to the river based on their spatial coordinates as recorded by GPS.

The primary aims of the current analyses were to:

  • Estimate the spring abundance of age-1 fish by year.
  • Estimate the egg deposition.
  • Estimate the stock-recruitment relationship between the egg deposition and the abundance of age-1 recruits the following spring.
  • Estimate the survival from age-1 to age-2.
  • Estimate the expected number of spawners without in river and/or in lake variation.


Data Preparation

The data were provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO). The historical and current snorkel count data were manipulated using R version 4.2.2 (R Core Team 2022) and organised in an SQLite database.

Statistical Analysis

Model parameters were estimated using Bayesian methods. The estimates were produced using JAGS (Plummer 2003) and STAN (Carpenter et al. 2017). For additional information on Bayesian estimation the reader is referred to McElreath (2020).

Unless stated otherwise, the Bayesian analyses used weakly informative normal and half-normal prior distributions (Gelman, Simpson, and Betancourt 2017). The posterior distributions were estimated from 1500 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples thinned from the second halves of 3 chains (Kery and Schaub 2011, 38–40). Model convergence was confirmed by ensuring that the potential scale reduction factor \(\hat{R} \leq 1.05\) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 40) and the effective sample size (Brooks et al. 2011) \(\textrm{ESS} \geq 150\) for each of the monitored parameters (Kery and Schaub 2011, 61).

The parameters are summarised in terms of the point estimate, lower and upper 95% compatibility limits (Rafi and Greenland 2020) and the surprisal s-value (Greenland 2019). The estimate is the median (50th percentile) of the MCMC samples while the 95% CLs are the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The s-value indicates how surprising it would be to discover that the true value of the parameter is in the opposite direction to the estimate (Greenland 2019). An s-value of \(>\) 4.3 bits, which is equivalent to a significant p-value \(<\) 0.05 (Kery and Schaub 2011; Greenland and Poole 2013), indicates that the surprise would be equivalent to throwing at least 4.3 heads in a row.

The condition that parameters describing the effects of secondary (nuisance) explanatory variable(s) have significant p-values was used as a model selection heuristic (Kery and Schaub 2011). Based on a similar argument, the condition that random effects have a standard deviation with a lower 95% compatibility interval (CL) \(>\) 5% of the estimate was used as an additional model selection heuristic. Primary explanatory variables are evaluated based on their estimated effect sizes with 95% CLs (Bradford, Korman, and Higgins 2005)

Model adequacy was assessed via posterior predictive checks (Kery and Schaub 2011). More specifically, the number of zeros and the first four central moments (mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis) for the deviance residuals were compared to the expected values by simulating new residuals. In this context the s-value indicates how surprising each observed metric is given the estimated posterior probability distribution for the residual variation.

Where computationally practical, the sensitivity of the parameters to the choice of prior distributions was evaluated by increasing the standard deviations of all normal, half-normal and log-normal priors by an order of magnitude and then using \(\hat{R}\) to evaluate whether the samples were drawn from the same posterior distribution (Thorley and Andrusak 2017).

The results are displayed graphically by plotting the modeled relationships between individual variables and the response with the remaining variables held constant. In general, continuous and discrete fixed variables are held constant at their mean and first level values, respectively, while random variables are held constant at their average values (expected values of the underlying hyperdistributions) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 77–82).

The analyses were implemented using R version 4.2.2 (R Core Team 2022) and the mbr family of packages.

Model Descriptions

Length Correction

The annual bias (inaccuracy) and error (imprecision) in observer’s fish length estimates when spotlighting (standing) and snorkeling were quantified from the divergence of their length distribution from the length distribution for all observers (including measured fish) in that year. More specifically, the length correction that minimised the Jensen-Shannon divergence (Lin 1991) between the two distributions provided a measure of the inaccuracy while the minimum divergence (the Jensen-Shannon divergence was calculated with log to base 2 which means it lies between 0 and 1) provided a measure of the imprecision.

After correcting the fish lengths, age-1 individuals were assumed to be those with a fork length \(\leq\) 100 mm.


The abundance was estimated from the count data using an overdispersed Poisson model (Kery and Schaub 2011, 55–56). The annual abundance estimates represent the total number of fish in the study area.

Key assumptions of the abundance model include:

  • The lineal fish density varies with year, useable width and river kilometer as a polynomial, and randomly with site.
  • The observer efficiency at marking sites varies by study design (GPS versus Index).
  • The observer efficiency also varies by visit type (marking versus count) within study design and randomly by snorkeller.
  • The expected count at a site is the expected lineal density multiplied by the site length, the observer efficiency and the proportion of the site surveyed.
  • The residual variation in the actual count is gamma-Poisson distributed.


The condition of fish with a fork length \(\geq\) 500 mm was estimated via an analysis of mass-length relations (He et al. 2008).

More specifically the model was based on the allometric relationship

\[ W = \alpha_c L^{\beta_c}\]

where \(W\) is the weight (mass), \(\alpha_c\) is the coefficent, \(\beta_c\) is the exponent and \(L\) is the length.

To improve chain mixing the relation was log-transformed, i.e.,

\[ \log(W) = \log(\alpha_c) + \beta_c \log(L).\]

Key assumptions of the condition model include:

  • \(\alpha_c\) can vary randomly by year.
  • The residual variation in weight is log-normally distributed.


The fecundity of females with a fork length \(\geq\) 500 mm was estimated via an analysis of fecundity-mass relations.

More specifically the model was based on the allometric relationship

\[ F = \alpha_f W^{\beta_f}\]

where \(F\) is the fecundity, \(\alpha_f\) is the coefficent, \(\beta_f\) is the exponent and \(W\) is the weight.

To improve chain mixing the relation was log-transformed.

Key assumptions of the fecundity model include:

  • The residual variation in fecundity is log-normally distributed.

Spawner Size

The average length of the spawners in each year (for years for which it was unavailable) was estimated from the mean weight of Rainbow Trout in the Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Mailout Survey (KLRT) using a linear regression. This approach was suggested by Rob Bison.

Egg Deposition

The egg deposition in each year was estimated by

  1. converting the average length of spawners to the average weight using the condition relationship for a typical year
  2. adjusting the average weight by the annual condition effect (interpolating where unavailable)
  3. converting the average weight to the average fecundity using the fecundity relationship
  4. multiplying the average fecundity by the AUC based estimate of the number of females (assuming a sex ratio of 1:1)


The relationship between the number of eggs (\(E\)) and the abundance of age-1 individuals the following spring (\(R\)) was estimated using a Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment model (Walters and Martell 2004):

\[ R = \frac{\alpha_s \cdot E}{1 + \beta_s \cdot E} \quad,\]

where \(\alpha_s\) is the maximum number of recruits per egg (egg survival), and \(\beta_s\) is the density dependence.

Key assumptions of the stock-recruitment model include:

  • The residual variation in the number of recruits is log-normally distributed with the standard deviation scaling with the uncertainty in the number of recruits.

The age-1 carrying capacity (\(K\)) is given by:

\[ K = \frac{\alpha_s}{\beta_s} \quad.\]

and the \(E_{K/2}\) Limit Reference Point (Mace 1994) (\(E_{0.5 R_{max}}\)), which corresponds to the stock (number of eggs) that produce 50% of the maximum recruitment (\(K\)), by \[E_{K/2} = \frac{1}{\beta_s}\]

The LRP was also converted into a number of spawners in a typical year (assuming 6,000 eggs per spawner and a sex ratio of 1:1).

Age-1 to Age-2 Survival

The relationship between the number of age-1 individuals and the number of age-2 individuals the following year was estimated using a linear regression through the origin where the slope was constrained to lie between 0 and 1 by a logistic transformation.

Key assumptions of the survival rate model include:

  • The residual variation in the number of age-2 individuals is log-normally distributed.

Reproductive Rate

The maximum reproductive rate (the number of spawners per spawner at low density) not accounting for fishing mortality was calculated by multiplying \(\beta_s\) (number of recruits per egg at low density) from the stock-recruitment relationship by the inlake survival by the estimated eggs per spawner in each year (assuming a sex ratio of 1:1). The inlake survival from age-1 to spawning was calculated by dividing the subsequent number of spawners by the number of recruits assuming that equal numbers of fish spawn at age 5, 6 and 7.

Expected Spawners

The expected spawners without in river and/or in lake variation was calculated from the stock-recruitment relationship and assuming an age-1 to spawner survival of 0.67%.


Model Templates


  data {

    int<lower=0> nMarked;
    int<lower=0> Marked[nMarked];
    int<lower=0> Resighted[nMarked];
    int<lower=0> IndexMarked[nMarked];

    int<lower=0> nObs;
    int Marking[nObs];
    int Index[nObs];
    int<lower=0> nSwimmer;
    int<lower=0> Swimmer[nObs];
    int<lower=0> nYear;
    int<lower=0> Year[nObs];
    real Rkm[nObs];
    int<lower=0> nSite;
    int<lower=0> Site[nObs];

    real SiteLength[nObs];
    real SurveyProportion[nObs];

    int Count[nObs];
  parameters {
    real bEfficiency;
    real bEfficiencyIndex;

    real bDensity;
    real<lower=0> sDensityYear;
    vector[nYear] bDensityYear;

    vector[4] bDensityRkm;
    real<lower=0> sDensitySite;
    vector[nSite] bDensitySite;

    real bEfficiencyMarking;
    real bEfficiencyMarkingIndex;

    real<lower=0,upper=5> sEfficiencySwimmer;
    vector[nSwimmer] bEfficiencySwimmer;

    real<lower=0> sDispersion;
  model {

    vector[nObs] eDensity;
    vector[nObs] eEfficiency;
    vector[nObs] eAbundance;
    vector[nObs] eCount;

    sDispersion ~ gamma(0.01, 0.01);

    bDensity ~ normal(0, 2);
    bDensityRkm ~ normal(0, 2);
    sDensitySite ~ uniform(0, 5);
    bDensitySite ~ normal(0, sDensitySite);
    sDensityYear ~ uniform(0, 5);
    bDensityYear ~ normal(0, sDensityYear);

    bEfficiency ~ normal(0, 5);
    bEfficiencyIndex ~ normal(0, 5);
    bEfficiencyMarking ~ normal(0, 5);
    bEfficiencyMarkingIndex ~ normal(0, 5);
    sEfficiencySwimmer ~ uniform(0, 5);
    bEfficiencySwimmer ~ normal(0, sEfficiencySwimmer);

    for (i in 1:nMarked) {
      target += binomial_lpmf(Resighted[i] | Marked[i],
          bEfficiency +
          bEfficiencyIndex * IndexMarked[i] +
          bEfficiencyMarking +
          bEfficiencyMarkingIndex * IndexMarked[i]

    for (i in 1:nObs) {
      eDensity[i] = exp(bDensity +
                        bDensityRkm[1] * Rkm[i] +
                        bDensityRkm[2] * pow(Rkm[i], 2.0) +
                        bDensityRkm[3] * pow(Rkm[i], 3.0) +
                        bDensityRkm[4] * pow(Rkm[i], 4.0) +
                        bDensitySite[Site[i]] +

      eEfficiency[i] = inv_logit(
        bEfficiency +
        bEfficiencyIndex * Index[i] +
        bEfficiencyMarking * Marking[i] +
        bEfficiencyMarkingIndex * Index[i] * Marking[i] +

      eAbundance[i] = eDensity[i] * SiteLength[i];

      eCount[i] = eAbundance[i] * eEfficiency[i] * SurveyProportion[i];

    target += neg_binomial_2_lpmf(Count | eCount, sDispersion);

Block 1. Abundance model description.


 data {
  int nYear;
  int nObs;

  vector[nObs] Length;
  vector[nObs] Weight;
  int Year[nObs];

parameters {
  real bWeight;
  real bWeightLength;
  real sWeightYear;

  vector[nYear] bWeightYear;
  real sWeight;

model {

  vector[nObs] eWeight;

  bWeight ~ normal(-10, 5);
  bWeightLength ~ normal(3, 2);

  sWeightYear ~ normal(-2, 5);

  for (i in 1:nYear) {
    bWeightYear[i] ~ normal(0, exp(sWeightYear));

  sWeight ~ normal(-2, 5);
  for(i in 1:nObs) {
    eWeight[i] = bWeight + bWeightLength * log(Length[i]) + bWeightYear[Year[i]];
    Weight[i] ~ lognormal(eWeight[i], exp(sWeight));

Block 2.


 data {
  int nObs;

  vector[nObs] Weight;
  vector[nObs] Fecundity;

parameters {
  real bFecundity;
  real bFecundityWeight;
  real sFecundity;

model {

  vector[nObs] eFecundity;

  bFecundity ~ uniform(0, 5);
  bFecundityWeight ~ uniform(0, 2);
  sFecundity ~ uniform(0, 1);

  for(i in 1:nObs) {
    eFecundity[i] = log(bFecundity) + bFecundityWeight * log(Weight[i]);
    Fecundity[i] ~ lognormal(eFecundity[i], sFecundity);

Block 3.


model {
  a ~ dunif(0, 1)
  b ~ dunif(0, 0.1)
  sScaling ~ dunif(0, 5)

  eRecruits <- a * Stock / (1 + Stock * b)

  for(i in 1:nObs) {
    esRecruits[i] <- SDLogRecruits[i] * sScaling
    Recruits[i] ~ dlnorm(log(eRecruits[i]), esRecruits[i]^-2)

Block 4. Stock-Recruitment model description.

Age-1 to Age-2 Survival

model {
  bSurvival ~ dnorm(0, 2^-2)
  sRecruits ~ dnorm(0, 2^-2) T(0,)

  for(i in 1:nObs) {
    logit(eSurvival[i]) <- bSurvival
    eRecruits[i] <- Stock[i] * eSurvival[i]
    Recruits[i] ~ dlnorm(log(eRecruits[i]), sRecruits^-2)

Block 5. In-river survival model description.



Table 1. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Index Whether the ith visit was to an index site
Marking[i] Whether the ith visit was to a site with marked fish
Rkm[i] River kilometer of ith visit
SiteLength[i] Length of site of ith visit
Site[i] Site of ith visit
SurveyProportion[i] Proportion of site surveyed on ith visit
Swimmer[i] Snorkeler on ith site visit
Year[i] Year of ith site visit
bDensityRkm[i] ith-order polynomial coefficients of effect of river kilometer on bDensity
bDensitySite[i] Effect of ith Site on bDensity
bDensityYear[i] Effect of ith Year on bDensity
bDensity Intercept for log(eDensity)
bEfficiencyIndex Effect of Index on bEfficiency
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex Effect of Marking and Index on bEfficiency
bEfficiencyMarking Effect of Marking on bEfficiency
bEfficiencySwimmer[i] Effect of ith Swimmer on bEfficiency
bEfficiency Intercept of logit(eEfficiency)
eAbundance[i] Expected abundance of fish at site of ith visit
eCount[i] Expected total number of fish at site of ith visit
eDensity[i] Expected lineal density of fish at site of ith visit
eEfficiency[i] Expected observer efficiency on ith visit
sDensitySite SD of bDensitySite
sDispersion Overdispersion of Count[i]
sEfficiencySwimmer SD of bEfficiencySwimmer

Table 2. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bDensity -1.2992426 -1.7582160 -0.8349936 11.551228
bDensityRkm[1] -0.1705547 -0.3205906 -0.0188394 5.211378
bDensityRkm[2] 0.5741459 0.3731147 0.7746487 11.551228
bDensityRkm[3] -0.1244389 -0.1970181 -0.0533908 11.551228
bDensityRkm[4] -0.2618053 -0.3327087 -0.1959403 11.551228
bEfficiency -1.7997011 -2.0588426 -1.5291016 11.551228
bEfficiencyIndex 0.3902163 -0.1970283 1.0653021 2.263515
bEfficiencyMarking 0.5387898 0.3322680 0.7394791 11.551228
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex 0.8219006 0.1752764 1.4436940 6.421945
sDensitySite 0.6871717 0.6198630 0.7551973 11.551228
sDensityYear 0.6898622 0.4809528 1.0513731 11.551228
sDispersion 1.3123239 1.1933859 1.4448227 11.551228
sEfficiencySwimmer 0.3795079 0.2268709 0.6855667 11.551228

Table 3. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
3913 13 3 1000 5 1419 1.004 TRUE

Table 4. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.3677485 0.4219269 0.3999425 0.4439049 9.966265
mean -0.2987924 -0.3675765 -0.3981296 -0.3372166 11.551228
variance 0.6032294 0.8452765 0.8040410 0.8864911 11.551228
skewness 0.2345063 0.5620084 0.4834390 0.6412612 11.551228
kurtosis -0.4722507 -0.1689507 -0.3399505 0.0368888 9.229299

Table 5. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1.004 1.004 1.002

Table 6. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bDensity -2.2225123 -2.6706912 -1.7718504 11.5512276
bDensityRkm[1] -0.2249711 -0.4090499 -0.0442557 5.8233071
bDensityRkm[2] 0.0839440 -0.1737145 0.3388965 0.9747433
bDensityRkm[3] 0.0449129 -0.0450734 0.1335851 1.5868867
bDensityRkm[4] -0.1032100 -0.1876697 -0.0163603 5.7698679
bEfficiency -1.9634576 -2.3298731 -1.5893538 11.5512276
bEfficiencyIndex 0.5461119 -0.0913767 1.2325885 3.4584705
bEfficiencyMarking 0.8766722 0.5712271 1.1853509 11.5512276
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex 1.9609922 0.9199813 3.0653768 11.5512276
sDensitySite 0.8326922 0.7428837 0.9194001 11.5512276
sDensityYear 0.5354524 0.3692774 0.8382351 11.5512276
sDispersion 1.1967609 1.0442236 1.3892824 11.5512276
sEfficiencySwimmer 0.3121140 0.1882937 0.5415842 11.5512276

Table 7. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
3913 13 3 1000 5 1608 1.003 TRUE

Table 8. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.5803731 0.6023511 0.5808778 0.6243292 4.432287
mean -0.3053955 -0.3354219 -0.3639946 -0.3067131 4.731049
variance 0.5642587 0.7107472 0.6655310 0.7553889 11.551228
skewness 0.7478776 0.9123587 0.8242427 1.0006221 11.551228
kurtosis -0.1121314 0.4160019 0.1574572 0.7294242 11.551228

Table 9. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1.003 1.003 1.002


Table 10. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Length[i] Fork length of ith fish
Weight[i] Recorded weight of ith fish
Year[i] Year ith fish was captured
bWeightLength Intercept of effect of log(Length) on bWeight
bWeightYear[i] Effect of ith Year on bWeight
bWeight Intercept of log(eWeight)
eWeight[i] Expected Weight of ith fish
sWeightYear Log standard deviation of bWeightYear
sWeight Log standard deviation of residual variation in log(Weight)

Table 11. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bWeight -12.742314 -13.161984 -12.329061 11.55123
bWeightLength 3.212932 3.151046 3.276499 11.55123
sWeight -1.925831 -1.966975 -1.885132 11.55123
sWeightYear -1.993317 -2.259050 -1.678059 11.55123

Table 12. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
1201 4 3 1000 10 2085 1.002 TRUE

Table 13. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
mean -0.0000833 0.0010569 -0.0574337 0.0572287 0.0429376
variance 0.9775820 0.9982287 0.9217832 1.0798540 0.7334445
skewness -0.4264927 0.0021968 -0.1394569 0.1418448 11.5512276
kurtosis 2.0129975 -0.0129126 -0.2500804 0.2940716 11.5512276

Table 14. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1.002 1.003 1.001


Table 15. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Fecundity[i] Fecundity of ith fish (eggs)
Weight[i] Weight of ith fish (mm)
bFecundityWeight Effect of log(Weight) on log(bFecundity)
bFecundity Intercept of eFecundity
eFecundity[i] Expected Fecundity of ith fish
sFecundity SD of residual variation in log(Fecundity)

Table 16. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bFecundity 3.8126217 1.1964373 4.9461786 11.55123
bFecundityWeight 0.8627896 0.8317399 0.9917802 11.55123
sFecundity 0.1282124 0.0952329 0.1854032 11.55123

Table 17. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
22 3 3 1000 10 1320 1.022 TRUE

Table 18. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
mean 0.0085082 0.0015395 -0.4134554 0.4072162 0.0399691
variance 0.9072617 0.9739389 0.4897938 1.6969432 0.2652475
skewness -2.1071656 0.0053045 -0.9293090 0.8902141 11.5512276
kurtosis 6.4702377 -0.4161188 -1.2178146 1.6509297 11.5512276

Table 19. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1.022 1.001 1.013


Table 20. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Recruits[i] Number of recruits from ith spawn year
SDLogRecruits[i] Standard deviation of uncertainty in log(Recruits[i])
Stock[i] Number of eggs in ith spawn year
a Recruits per Stock at low density
b Density-dependence
eRecruits[i] Expected number of recruits from ith spawn year
esRecruits[i] Expected SD of residual variation in Recruits
sScaling Scaling term for SD of residual variation in log(eRecruits)

Table 21. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
a 0.4028589 0.2081573 0.9183933 11.55123
b 0.0000037 0.0000014 0.0000111 11.55123
sScaling 2.6046477 1.8366964 4.0935494 11.55123

Table 22. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
17 3 3 1000 100 2739 1 TRUE

Table 23. Estimated carry capacity (with 95% CRIs).

estimate lower upper
109000 71700 168000

Table 24. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
mean -0.0434895 -0.0023107 -0.4784338 0.4810838 0.2119343
variance 0.8256236 0.9564922 0.4364768 1.8285862 0.5020597
skewness 0.3421157 0.0040927 -1.0533288 1.0324028 1.0989864
kurtosis -0.7801808 -0.4874005 -1.3113585 1.7070623 0.7576243

Table 25. Estimated reference points (with 80% CRIs).

Metric estimate lower upper
eggs 268000.00000 117000 528000
spawners 89.33333 39 176

Table 26. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1 1 1

Age-1 to Age-2 Survival

Table 27. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Recruits[i] Number of age-2 juveniles from ith spawn year
Stock[i] Number of age-1 juveniles from ith spawn year
bSurvival logit(eSurvival)
eSurvival[i] Expected annual survival for ith spawn year
sRecruits SD of residual variation in Recruits

Table 28. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bSurvival -0.8345667 -1.1665037 -0.432871 8.091796
sRecruits 0.4658847 0.3337759 0.743539 11.551228

Table 29. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
15 2 3 1000 1 1110 1.002 TRUE

Table 30. Model posterior predictive checks.

moment observed median lower upper svalue
zeros 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
mean -0.0197959 0.0039662 -0.4798786 0.5011234 0.1171207
variance 0.8883267 0.9536296 0.3942445 1.8768558 0.2163957
skewness -0.2878148 0.0297094 -1.0106613 1.0837573 0.9100790
kurtosis -0.9725506 -0.5338619 -1.4081306 1.6738521 1.2080419

Table 31. Model sensitivity.

all analysis sensitivity bound
all 1.002 1.004 1.002


Length Correction


Figure 1. Measured length-frequency histogram by year.


Figure 2. Corrected length-frequency histogram by year and observation type.




Figure 3. Predicted abundance of age-1 Rainbow Trout in the Duncan and Lardeau Rivers by year (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 4. Predicted lineal density of age-1 Rainbow Trout in 2010 by river kilometre (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 5. Predicted observer efficiency for age-1 Rainbow Trout by visit type and study design (with 95% CRIs).



Figure 6. Predicted abundance of age-2 Rainbow Trout in the Duncan and Lardeau Rivers by year (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 7. Predicted lineal density of age-2 Rainbow Trout in 2010 by river kilometre (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 8. Predicted observer efficiency for age-2 Rainbow Trout by visit type and study design (with 95% CRIs).



Figure 9. The percent change in the body condition for an average length fish relative to a typical year by year (with 95% CRIs).



Figure 10. The fecundity-weight relationship (with 95% CRIs).

Spawner Size


Figure 11. The mean length of spawning Rainbow Trout by the mean weight of Rainbow Trout in the KLRT.


Figure 12. The mean weight of Rainbow Trout in the KLRT by year.

Egg Deposition


Figure 13. The spawner abundance by year.


Figure 14. The estimated spawner fecundity by year.


Figure 15. The egg deposition by year.




Figure 16. Predicted stock-recruitment relationship between spawners and age-1 recruits (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 17. Predicted egg survival to age-1 by egg deposition (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 18. Predicted percent of age-1 recruits carry capacity by egg deposition (with 80% CRIs).

Age-1 to Age-2 Survival



Figure 19. Predicted relationship between age-1 and age-2 abundance (with 95% CRIs).


Figure 20. Estimated age-1 and age-2 survival by spawn year.



Figure 21. The number of spawners by return year.


Figure 22. The estimated egg deposition by return year.


Figure 23. The number of expected age-1 recruits by spawn year based on the estimated egg deposition.


Figure 24. Survival from expected age-1 to spawners by return year.

Reproductive Rate (age-1)


Figure 25. Survival from age-1 to spawning by return year.

Reproductive Rate (age-2)


Figure 26. Survival from age-2 to spawning by return year.

Expected Spawners


Figure 27. Expected spawners by return year and in river and in lake variation based on age-1 recruitment.


Figure 28. Expected spawners by return year and in river and in lake variation based on age-2 recruitment.


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