Duncan Lardeau Juvenile Rainbow Trout Abundance 2020
The suggested citation for this analytic report is:
Thorley, J.L. and Amies-Galonski, E. (2020) Duncan Lardeau Juvenile Rainbow Trout Abundance 2020. A Poisson Consulting Analytic Appendix. URL: https://www.poissonconsulting.ca/f/723287510.
Rainbow Trout rear in the Lardeau and Lower Duncan rivers. Since 2006 (with the exception of 2015) annual spring snorkel surveys have been conducted to estimate the abundance and distribution of age-1 Rainbow Trout. From 2006 to 2010 the surveys were conducted at fixed index sites. Since 2011 fish observations have been mapped to the river based on their spatial coordinates as recorded by GPS.
The primary aims of the current analyses were to:
- Estimate the spring abundance of age-1 fish by year.
- Estimate the egg deposition.
- Estimate the stock-recruitment relationship between the egg deposition and the abundance of age-1 recruits the following spring.
- Estimate the survival from age-1 to age-2.
Data Preparation
The data were provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO). The historical and current snorkel count data were manipulated using R version 4.0.3 (R Core Team 2019) and organised in an SQLite database.
Data Analysis
Hierarchical Bayesian models were fitted to the data using R version
4.0.3 (R Core Team 2019), Stan 2.16.0 (Carpenter et al. 2017) and
JAGS 4.2.0 (Plummer 2015) and the
family of packages.
Unless indicated otherwise, the models used prior distributions that were vague in the sense that they did not affect the posterior distributions (Kery and Schaub 2011, 36). The posterior distributions were estimated from 2,000 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples thinned from the second halves of three chains (Kery and Schaub 2011, 38–40). Model convergence was confirmed by ensuring that \(\hat{R} < 1.1\) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 40) for each of the monitored parameters in the model (Kery and Schaub 2011, 61). Where relevant, model adequacy was confirmed by examination of residual plots.
The posterior distributions of the fixed (Kery and Schaub 2011, 75) parameters are summarised in terms of the point estimate, standard deviation (sd), the z-score, lower and upper 95% confidence/credible limits (CLs) and the p-value (Kery and Schaub 2011, 37, 42). The estimate is the median (50th percentile) of the MCMC samples, the z-score is \(\mathrm{sd}/\mathrm{mean}\) and the 95% CLs are the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. A p-value of 0.05 indicates that the lower or upper 95% CL is 0.
Variable selection was achieved by dropping fixed (Kery and Schaub 2011, 77–82) variables with two-sided p-values \(\geq\) 0.05 (Kery and Schaub 2011, 37, 42) and random variables with percent relative errors \(\geq\) 80%.
The results are displayed graphically by plotting the modeled relationships between particular variables and the response with 80% or 95% credible intervals (CIs) with the remaining variables held constant. In general, continuous and discrete fixed variables are held constant at their mean and first level values respectively while random variables are held constant at their typical values (expected values of the underlying hyperdistributions) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 77–82). Where informative the influence of particular variables is expressed in terms of the effect size (i.e., percent change in the response variable) with 95% CIs (Bradford, Korman, and Higgins 2005).
Model Descriptions
Length Correction
The annual bias (inaccuracy) and error (imprecision) in observer’s fish length estimates when spotlighting (standing) and snorkeling were quantified from the divergence of their length distribution from the length distribution for all observers (including measured fish) in that year. More specifically, the length correction that minimised the Jensen-Shannon divergence (Lin 1991) between the two distributions provided a measure of the inaccuracy while the minimum divergence (the Jensen-Shannon divergence was calculated with log to base 2 which means it lies between 0 and 1) provided a measure of the imprecision.
After correcting the fish lengths, age-1 individuals were assumed to be those with a fork length \(\leq\) 100 mm.
The abundance was estimated from the count data using an overdispersed Poisson model (Kery and Schaub 2011, 55–56). The annual abundance estimates represent the total number of fish in the study area.
Key assumptions of the abundance model include:
- The lineal fish density varies with year, useable width and river kilometer as a polynomial, and randomly with site.
- The observer efficiency at marking sites varies by study design (GPS versus Index).
- The observer efficiency also varies by visit type (marking versus count) within study design and randomly by snorkeller.
- The expected count at a site is the expected lineal density multiplied by the site length, the observer efficiency and the proportion of the site surveyed.
- The residual variation in the actual count is gamma-Poisson distributed.
The condition of fish with a fork length \(\geq\) 500 mm was estimated via an analysis of mass-length relations (He et al. 2008).
More specifically the model was based on the allometric relationship
\[ W = \alpha_c L^{\beta_c}\]
where \(W\) is the weight (mass), \(\alpha_c\) is the coefficent, \(\beta_c\) is the exponent and \(L\) is the length.
To improve chain mixing the relation was log-transformed, i.e.,
\[ \log(W) = \log(\alpha_c) + \beta_c \log(L).\]
Key assumptions of the condition model include:
- \(\alpha_c\) can vary randomly by year.
- The residual variation in weight is log-normally distributed.
The fecundity of females with a fork length \(\geq\) 500 mm was estimated via an analysis of fecundity-mass relations.
More specifically the model was based on the allometric relationship
\[ F = \alpha_f W^{\beta_f}\]
where \(F\) is the fecundity, \(\alpha_f\) is the coefficent, \(\beta_f\) is the exponent and \(W\) is the weight.
To improve chain mixing the relation was log-transformed.
Key assumptions of the fecundity model include:
- The residual variation in fecundity is log-normally distributed.
Spawner Size
The average length of the spawners in each year (for years for which it was unavailable) was estimated from the mean weight of Rainbow Trout in the Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Mailout Survey (KLRT) using a linear regression. This approach was suggested by Rob Bison.
Egg Deposition
The egg deposition in each year was estimated by
- converting the average length of spawners to the average weight using the condition relationship for a typical year
- adjusting the average weight by the annual condition effect (interpolating where unavailable)
- converting the average weight to the average fecundity using the fecundity relationship
- multiplying the average fecundity by the AUC based estimate of the number of females (assuming a sex ratio of 1:1)
The relationship between the number of eggs (\(E\)) and the abundance of age-1 individuals the following spring (\(R\)) was estimated using a Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment model (Walters and Martell 2004):
\[ R = \frac{\alpha_s \cdot E}{1 + \beta_s \cdot E} \quad,\]
where \(\alpha_s\) is the maximum number of recruits per egg (egg survival), and \(\beta_s\) is the density dependence.
Key assumptions of the stock-recruitment model include:
- The residual variation in the number of recruits is log-normally distributed with the standard deviation scaling with the uncertainty in the number of recruits.
The age-1 carrying capacity (\(K\)) is given by:
\[ K = \frac{\alpha_s}{\beta_s} \quad.\] and the \(E_{K/2}\) Limit Reference Point (Mace 1994) (\(E_{0.5 R_{max}}\)), which corresponds to the stock (number of eggs) that produce 50% of the maximum recruitment (\(K\)), by \[E_{K/2} = \frac{1}{\beta_s}\]
The LRP was also converted into a number of spawners in a typical year (assuming 6,000 eggs per spawner and a sex ratio of 1:1).
Age-1 to Age-2 Survival
The relationship between the number of age-1 individuals and the number of age-2 individuals the following year was estimated using a linear regression through the origin where the slope was constrained to lie between 0 and 1 by a logistic transformation.
Key assumptions of the survival rate model include:
- The residual variation in the number of age-2 individuals is log-normally distributed.
Model Templates
data {
int<lower=0> nMarked;
int<lower=0> Marked[nMarked];
int<lower=0> Resighted[nMarked];
int<lower=0> IndexMarked[nMarked];
int<lower=0> nObs;
int Marking[nObs];
int Index[nObs];
int<lower=0> nSwimmer;
int<lower=0> Swimmer[nObs];
int<lower=0> nYear;
int<lower=0> Year[nObs];
real Rkm[nObs];
int<lower=0> nSite;
int<lower=0> Site[nObs];
real SiteLength[nObs];
real SurveyProportion[nObs];
int Count[nObs];
parameters {
real bEfficiency;
real bEfficiencyIndex;
real bDensity;
real<lower=0> sDensityYear;
vector[nYear] bDensityYear;
vector[4] bDensityRkm;
real<lower=0> sDensitySite;
vector[nSite] bDensitySite;
real bEfficiencyMarking;
real bEfficiencyMarkingIndex;
real<lower=0,upper=5> sEfficiencySwimmer;
vector[nSwimmer] bEfficiencySwimmer;
real<lower=0> sDispersion;
model {
vector[nObs] eDensity;
vector[nObs] eEfficiency;
vector[nObs] eAbundance;
vector[nObs] eCount;
sDispersion ~ gamma(0.01, 0.01);
bDensity ~ normal(0, 2);
bDensityRkm ~ normal(0, 2);
sDensitySite ~ uniform(0, 5);
bDensitySite ~ normal(0, sDensitySite);
sDensityYear ~ uniform(0, 5);
bDensityYear ~ normal(0, sDensityYear);
bEfficiency ~ normal(0, 5);
bEfficiencyIndex ~ normal(0, 5);
bEfficiencyMarking ~ normal(0, 5);
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex ~ normal(0, 5);
sEfficiencySwimmer ~ uniform(0, 5);
bEfficiencySwimmer ~ normal(0, sEfficiencySwimmer);
for (i in 1:nMarked) {
target += binomial_lpmf(Resighted[i] | Marked[i],
bEfficiency +
bEfficiencyIndex * IndexMarked[i] +
bEfficiencyMarking +
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex * IndexMarked[i]
for (i in 1:nObs) {
eDensity[i] = exp(bDensity +
bDensityRkm[1] * Rkm[i] +
bDensityRkm[2] * pow(Rkm[i], 2.0) +
bDensityRkm[3] * pow(Rkm[i], 3.0) +
bDensityRkm[4] * pow(Rkm[i], 4.0) +
bDensitySite[Site[i]] +
eEfficiency[i] = inv_logit(
bEfficiency +
bEfficiencyIndex * Index[i] +
bEfficiencyMarking * Marking[i] +
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex * Index[i] * Marking[i] +
eAbundance[i] = eDensity[i] * SiteLength[i];
eCount[i] = eAbundance[i] * eEfficiency[i] * SurveyProportion[i];
target += neg_binomial_2_lpmf(Count | eCount, sDispersion);
Block 1. Abundance model description.
data {
int nYear;
int nObs;
vector[nObs] Length;
vector[nObs] Weight;
int Year[nObs];
parameters {
real bWeight;
real bWeightLength;
real sWeightYear;
vector[nYear] bWeightYear;
real sWeight;
model {
vector[nObs] eWeight;
bWeight ~ normal(-10, 5);
bWeightLength ~ normal(3, 2);
sWeightYear ~ normal(-2, 5);
for (i in 1:nYear) {
bWeightYear[i] ~ normal(0, exp(sWeightYear));
sWeight ~ normal(-2, 5);
for(i in 1:nObs) {
eWeight[i] = bWeight + bWeightLength * log(Length[i]) + bWeightYear[Year[i]];
Weight[i] ~ lognormal(eWeight[i], exp(sWeight));
Block 2.
data {
int nObs;
vector[nObs] Weight;
vector[nObs] Fecundity;
parameters {
real bFecundity;
real bFecundityWeight;
real sFecundity;
model {
vector[nObs] eFecundity;
bFecundity ~ uniform(0, 5);
bFecundityWeight ~ uniform(0, 2);
sFecundity ~ uniform(0, 1);
for(i in 1:nObs) {
eFecundity[i] = log(bFecundity) + bFecundityWeight * log(Weight[i]);
Fecundity[i] ~ lognormal(eFecundity[i], sFecundity);
Block 3.
model {
a ~ dunif(0, 1)
b ~ dunif(0, 0.1)
sScaling ~ dunif(0, 5)
eRecruits <- a * Stock / (1 + Stock * b)
for(i in 1:nObs) {
esRecruits[i] <- SDLogRecruits[i] * sScaling
Recruits[i] ~ dlnorm(log(eRecruits[i]), esRecruits[i]^-2)
Block 4. Stock-Recruitment model description.
Age-1 to Age-2 Survival
model {
bSurvival ~ dnorm(0, 2^-2)
sRecruits ~ dnorm(0, 2^-2) T(0,)
for(i in 1:nObs) {
logit(eSurvival[i]) <- bSurvival
eRecruits[i] <- Stock[i] * eSurvival[i]
Recruits[i] ~ dlnorm(log(eRecruits[i]), sRecruits^-2)
Block 5. In-river survival model description.
Table 1. Parameter descriptions.
Parameter | Description |
bDensity |
Intercept for log(eDensity) |
bDensityRkm[i] |
i th-order polynomial coefficients of effect of
river kilometer on bDensity |
bDensitySite[i] |
Effect of i th Site on bDensity |
bDensityYear[i] |
Effect of i th Year on bDensity |
bEfficiency |
Intercept of logit(eEfficiency) |
bEfficiencyIndex |
Effect of Index on bEfficiency |
bEfficiencyMarking |
Effect of Marking on bEfficiency |
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex |
Effect of Marking and Index on bEfficiency |
bEfficiencySwimmer[i] |
Effect of i th Swimmer on bEfficiency |
eAbundance[i] |
Expected abundance of fish at site of i th visit |
eCount[i] |
Expected total number of fish at site of i th
visit |
eDensity[i] |
Expected lineal density of fish at site of i th
visit |
eEfficiency[i] |
Expected observer efficiency on i th visit |
Index |
Whether the i th visit was to an index site |
Marking[i] |
Whether the i th visit was to a site with marked
fish |
Rkm[i] |
River kilometer of i th visit |
sDensitySite |
SD of bDensitySite |
sDispersion |
Overdispersion of Count[i] |
sEfficiencySwimmer |
SD of bEfficiencySwimmer |
Site[i] |
Site of i th visit |
SiteLength[i] |
Length of site of i th visit |
SurveyProportion[i] |
Proportion of site surveyed on i th visit |
Swimmer[i] |
Snorkeler on i th site visit |
Year[i] |
Year of i th site visit |
Rainbow Trout
Table 2. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
bDensity | -1.1025638 | 0.2580144 | -4.2599319 | -1.6027172 | -0.6136417 | 0.0019987 |
bDensityRkm[1] | -0.2361983 | 0.0758283 | -3.1184009 | -0.3873395 | -0.0806590 | 0.0019987 |
bDensityRkm[2] | 0.5633199 | 0.1085001 | 5.2044144 | 0.3485749 | 0.7706941 | 0.0006662 |
bDensityRkm[3] | -0.0802012 | 0.0354745 | -2.2803441 | -0.1513637 | -0.0101689 | 0.0193205 |
bDensityRkm[4] | -0.2714619 | 0.0374247 | -7.2865624 | -0.3451534 | -0.2005796 | 0.0006662 |
bEfficiency | -1.7859982 | 0.1443442 | -12.3573110 | -2.0662570 | -1.5030707 | 0.0006662 |
bEfficiencyIndex | 0.2914821 | 0.3214882 | 0.8978293 | -0.3129780 | 0.9413404 | 0.3630913 |
bEfficiencyMarking | 0.5304248 | 0.1108045 | 4.7976614 | 0.3084469 | 0.7500068 | 0.0006662 |
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex | 0.9202822 | 0.3272740 | 2.7680477 | 0.2469951 | 1.5173923 | 0.0099933 |
sDensitySite | 0.6568752 | 0.0373079 | 17.6013912 | 0.5881179 | 0.7321685 | 0.0006662 |
sDensityYear | 0.6530751 | 0.1647549 | 4.1456660 | 0.4330231 | 1.0561532 | 0.0006662 |
sDispersion | 1.3177023 | 0.0683175 | 19.3231229 | 1.1870013 | 1.4562109 | 0.0006662 |
sEfficiencySwimmer | 0.5299685 | 0.1577689 | 3.5069406 | 0.3041078 | 0.9240397 | 0.0006662 |
Table 3. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
3274 | 13 | 3 | 500 | 5 | 747 | 1.008 | TRUE |
Table 4. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
bDensity | -2.0765922 | 0.2742946 | -7.5395655 | -2.5673257 | -1.5274241 | 0.0006662 |
bDensityRkm[1] | -0.1888056 | 0.0940985 | -2.0300594 | -0.3717058 | -0.0085009 | 0.0406396 |
bDensityRkm[2] | 0.0453724 | 0.1346785 | 0.3428431 | -0.2120224 | 0.3123082 | 0.7521652 |
bDensityRkm[3] | 0.0410407 | 0.0441837 | 0.9106852 | -0.0469177 | 0.1261699 | 0.3617588 |
bDensityRkm[4] | -0.1026092 | 0.0459050 | -2.2572536 | -0.1939733 | -0.0158174 | 0.0246502 |
bEfficiency | -1.9859859 | 0.2323886 | -8.5416723 | -2.4486317 | -1.5216252 | 0.0006662 |
bEfficiencyIndex | 0.4838928 | 0.3592518 | 1.3408354 | -0.2059524 | 1.1835048 | 0.1725516 |
bEfficiencyMarking | 0.7299017 | 0.1735978 | 4.2100673 | 0.3752527 | 1.0646317 | 0.0006662 |
bEfficiencyMarkingIndex | 2.1789624 | 0.5643068 | 3.8936001 | 1.1281441 | 3.3214454 | 0.0006662 |
sDensitySite | 0.7595852 | 0.0482679 | 15.7839776 | 0.6678163 | 0.8601676 | 0.0006662 |
sDensityYear | 0.5659470 | 0.1548924 | 3.8428078 | 0.3801633 | 0.9738893 | 0.0006662 |
sDispersion | 1.1505705 | 0.0934440 | 12.3738105 | 0.9862979 | 1.3533862 | 0.0006662 |
sEfficiencySwimmer | 0.3918160 | 0.1215545 | 3.4160466 | 0.2395297 | 0.6940196 | 0.0006662 |
Table 5. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
3274 | 13 | 3 | 500 | 5 | 748 | 1.006 | TRUE |
Table 6. Parameter descriptions.
Parameter | Description |
bWeight |
Intercept of log(eWeight) |
bWeightLength |
Intercept of effect of log(Length) on bWeight |
bWeightYear[i] |
Effect of i th Year on bWeight |
eWeight[i] |
Expected Weight of i th fish |
Length[i] |
Fork length of i th fish |
sWeight |
Log standard deviation of residual variation in log(Weight) |
sWeightYear |
Log standard deviation of bWeightYear |
Weight[i] |
Recorded weight of i th fish |
Year[i] |
Year i th fish was captured |
Table 7. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
bWeight | -12.640509 | 0.2124435 | -59.49947 | -13.044759 | -12.232333 | 0.0006662 |
bWeightLength | 3.202909 | 0.0320422 | 99.96166 | 3.140421 | 3.265140 | 0.0006662 |
sWeight | -1.906869 | 0.0210349 | -90.64072 | -1.946943 | -1.864212 | 0.0006662 |
sWeightYear | -2.117223 | 0.1635939 | -12.90748 | -2.418278 | -1.787881 | 0.0006662 |
Table 8. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
1113 | 4 | 3 | 500 | 2 | 339 | 1.016 | TRUE |
Table 9. Parameter descriptions.
Parameter | Description |
bFecundity |
Intercept of eFecundity |
bFecundityWeight |
Effect of log(Weight) on log(bFecundity) |
eFecundity[i] |
Expected Fecundity of i th fish |
Fecundity[i] |
Fecundity of i th fish (eggs) |
sFecundity |
SD of residual variation in log(Fecundity) |
Weight[i] |
Weight of i th fish (mm) |
Table 10. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
bFecundity | 3.8623885 | 0.9616924 | 3.831203 | 1.5125461 | 4.9580463 | 0.0006662 |
bFecundityWeight | 0.8609092 | 0.0364533 | 23.905887 | 0.8320917 | 0.9680592 | 0.0006662 |
sFecundity | 0.1266241 | 0.0214832 | 6.007216 | 0.0949847 | 0.1758600 | 0.0006662 |
Table 11. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
22 | 3 | 3 | 500 | 4 | 413 | 1.004 | TRUE |
Table 12. Parameter descriptions.
Parameter | Description |
a |
Recruits per Stock at low density |
b |
Density-dependence |
eRecruits[i] |
Expected number of recruits from i th spawn year |
esRecruits[i] |
Expected SD of residual variation in Recruits |
Recruits[i] |
Number of recruits from i th spawn year |
SDLogRecruits[i] |
Standard deviation of uncertainty in log(Recruits[i]) |
sScaling |
Scaling term for SD of residual variation in log(eRecruits) |
Stock[i] |
Number of egg in i th spawn year |
Table 13. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
a | 0.5631954 | 0.1994569 | 2.949574 | 0.2615310 | 0.9619482 | 0.0006662 |
b | 0.0000053 | 0.0000025 | 2.241339 | 0.0000019 | 0.0000112 | 0.0006662 |
sScaling | 2.2449732 | 0.5204364 | 4.478682 | 1.5541732 | 3.6233816 | 0.0006662 |
Table 14. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
14 | 3 | 3 | 500 | 100 | 1479 | 1.001 | TRUE |
Table 15. Estimated carry capacity (with 95% CRIs).
estimate | lower | upper |
109000 | 76400 | 161000 |
Table 16. Estimated reference points (with 80% CRIs).
Metric | estimate | lower | upper |
eggs | 190000.00000 | 107000.00000 | 374000.0000 |
spawners | 63.33333 | 35.66667 | 124.6667 |
Age-1 to Age-2 Survival
Table 17. Parameter descriptions.
Parameter | Description |
bSurvival |
logit(eSurvival) |
eSurvival[i] |
Expected annual survival for i th spawn year |
Recruits[i] |
Number of age-2 juveniles from i th spawn year |
sRecruits |
SD of residual variation in Recruits |
Stock[i] |
Number of age-1 juveniles from i th spawn year |
Table 18. Model coefficients.
term | estimate | sd | zscore | lower | upper | pvalue |
bSurvival | -0.8802652 | 0.1962366 | -4.429277 | -1.2346200 | -0.4522072 | 0.0006662 |
sRecruits | 0.4398566 | 0.1258648 | 3.723528 | 0.3017872 | 0.7828409 | 0.0006662 |
Table 19. Model summary.
n | K | nchains | niters | nthin | ess | rhat | converged |
12 | 2 | 3 | 500 | 1 | 435 | 1.01 | TRUE |
Length Correction
Rainbow Trout





Spawner Size

Egg Deposition


Age-1 to Age-2 Survival

The organisations and individuals whose contributions have made this analysis report possible include:
- Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) and the anglers, hunters, trappers and guides who contribute to the Trust.
- Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) and its program partners BC Hydro, the Province of BC and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource
Operations (MFLNRO)
- Greg Andrusak
- Matt Neufeld
- Jeff Burrows
- Tyler Weir
- Rob Bison
- Poisson Consulting
- Evan Amies-Galonski
- Seb Dalgarno
- Robyn Irvine
- Stefan Himmer
- Vicky Lipinski
- John Hagen
- Scott Decker
- Jody Schick
- Gillian Sanders
- Jeremy Baxter
- Jeff Berdusco
- Dave Derosa