Horse Lake Exploitation Analysis 2020

The suggested citation for this analytic appendix is:

Thorley, J.L., Dalgarno, S. & Pearson, A. (2021) Horse Lake Exploitation Analysis 2020. A Poisson Consulting Analytic Appendix. URL:


Horse Lake supports a recreational fishery for Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush). To estimate their natural and fishing mortality, individuals were caught by angling and tagged with acoustic transmitters and/or external reward tags. Acoustically tagged fish were detected by a series of seven receivers distributed through the lake as well as annual mobile receiver surveys. The external reward tags included a phone number for anglers to report their recaptures. In 2019, eight Rainbow Trout with acoustic transmitters and external reward tags were transplanted from Greenlee Lake.

All the data were provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) Cariboo Region.


Data Preparation

The data were prepared for analysis using R version 4.0.4 (R Core Team 2020). Receivers were assumed to have a detection range of 500 m. Detections were aggregated daily, where for each transmitter the receiver with the most detections was chosen. In the case of a tie, the receiver with the greatest coverage area was chosen.

The Seasons were Winter (December - February), Spring (March - May), Summer (June - August) and Autumn (September - November).

Data Analysis

Hierarchical Bayesian models were fitted to the data using R version 4.0.4 (R Core Team 2020) and JAGS 4.2.0 (Plummer 2015) which interfaced with each other via the jmbr package. For additional information on hierarchical Bayesian modelling in the BUGS language, of which JAGS uses a dialect, the reader is referred to Kery and Schaub (2011, 41–44).

Unless stated otherwise, the Bayesian analyses used weakly informative normal and half-normal prior distributions (Gelman, Simpson, and Betancourt 2017). The posterior distributions were estimated from 1500 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples thinned from the second halves of 3 chains (Kery and Schaub 2011, 38–40). Model convergence was confirmed by ensuring that the potential scale reduction factor \(\hat{R} \leq 1.05\) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 40) and the effective sample size (Brooks et al. 2011) \(\textrm{ESS} \geq 150\) for each of the monitored parameters (Kery and Schaub 2011, 61).

The parameters are summarised in terms of the point estimate, lower and upper 95% credible limits (CLs) and the surprisal s-value (Greenland 2019). The estimate is the median (50th percentile) of the MCMC samples while the 95% CLs are the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. The s-value can be considered a test of directionality. More specifically it indicates how surprising (in bits) it would be to discover that the true value of the parameter is in the opposite direction to the estimate. An s-value of 4.3 bits, which is equivalent to a p-value (Kery and Schaub 2011; Greenland and Poole 2013) of 0.05, indicates that the surprise would be equivalent to throwing 4.3 heads in a row. The condition that non-essential explanatory variables have s-values \(\geq\) 4.3 bits provides a useful model selection heuristic (Kery and Schaub 2011).

The results are displayed graphically by plotting the modeled relationships between particular variables and the response with the remaining variables held constant. In general, continuous and discrete fixed variables are held constant at their mean and first level values respectively while random variables are held constant at their typical values (expected values of the underlying hyperdistributions) (Kery and Schaub 2011, 77–82). Where informative the influence of particular variables is expressed in terms of the effect size (i.e., percent change in the response variable) with 95% CIs (Bradford, Korman, and Higgins 2005).

Model Descriptions


The expected weight of a fish of a given length was estimated from the data using an allometric mass-length model (He et al. 2008)

\[ L = \alpha W^\beta\]

Key assumptions of the condition model include:

  • The prior distribution on the power term (\(\beta\)) is a normal distribution with a mean of 3.18 and a standard deviation of 0.19 (McDermid, Shuter, and Lester 2010).
  • The residual variation in weight is log-normally distributed.


Growth was estimated from length and scale age data for Horse Lake using a Von Bertalanffy growth curve model (von Bertalanffy 1938).

\[ L = L_\infty \cdot (1 - \exp(-k \cdot (A - t_0) ))\]

where \(A\) is the scale age in years and \(t_0\) is the extrapolated age at zero length.

Key assumptions of the growth model include:

  • The residual variation in length is normally distributed.

1 fish with a fork length \(\geq\) 500 mm was excluded from the analysis.


The natural mortality and capture probability for individuals \(\geq\) 300 mm was estimated using a Bayesian individual state-space survival model (Thorley and Andrusak 2017) with monthly intervals. The survival model incorporated natural and handling mortality, acoustic detection, movement, T-bar tag loss, recapture and reporting. Key assumptions of the survival model include:

  • The tagged individuals are a random sample from the population.
  • The only effects of tagging are change in the natural mortality for three months following acoustic tagging.
  • The prior probability on the annual interval individual external tag loss rate is a uniform distribution between 1 and 30% (Fabrizio et al. 1996).
  • All individuals are correctly identified.
  • There is no emigration out of the lake.
  • There are no unmodelled individual differences in the probability of recapture in each time interval.
  • There are no unmodelled individual differences in the probability of survival in each time interval.
  • There are no unmodelled individual differences in the probability of a living individual with an active acoustic transmitter being detected moving among sections in each time period.
  • The fate of each individual is independent of the fate of any other individual.
  • The sampling periods are instantaneous and all individuals are immediately released.

The survival model treats all recaptured fish as if they had been retained. Only individuals with a fork length (FL) \(\geq\) 300 mm that were tagged with an acoustic tag and/or $100 and $10 reward tags were included in the survival analysis. Preliminary analysis indicated that the difference between the natural mortality and fishing mortality rates for individuals \(\geq\) 500 mm were not sigificant.


The optimal capture rate (to maximize biomass harvested assuming 100% retention) was calculated using yield-per-recruit analysis (Walters and Martell 2004). A separate yield-per-recruit analysis was performed for the two different Lake Trout ecotypes in Horse Lake.




.model {
  bWeight ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2) 
  bWeightLength ~ dnorm(3.18, 0.19^-2)

  sWeight ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2) T(0,) 
  for(i in 1:length(LogLength)) {
    eWeight[i] <- bWeight + bWeightLength * LogLength[i]
    Weight[i] ~ dlnorm(eWeight[i], exp(sWeight)^-2)

Block 1. Condition model description.


.model {
  bLInf ~ dnorm(500, 100^-2) T(0, )
  bK ~ dnorm(0, 1^-2) T(0, )
  bT0 ~ dnorm(0, 1^-1)

  sLength ~ dnorm(0, 100^-2) T(0, )
  for (i in 1:length(Length)) {
    eLength[i] <- bLInf * (1 - exp(-bK * (Age[i] - bT0))) 
    Length[i] ~ dnorm(eLength[i], sLength^-2) T(0, )

Block 2. Growth model description.


  bMortality ~ dnorm(-3, 3^-2)
  bMortalityHandling ~ dnorm(0, 2^-2)
  bTagLoss ~ dunif(1 - (1 - 0.01)^(1/12), 1 - (1 - 0.30)^(1/12))
  bDetected ~ dunif(0, 1)
  bMoved ~ dunif(0, 1)
  bRecaptured ~ dunif(0, 1 - (1 - 0.50)^(1/12))
  bReported ~ dunif(0.9, 1.00)

  for (i in 1:nCapture){
    logit(eMortality[i,PeriodCapture[i]]) <- bMortality + bMortalityHandling
    eTagLoss[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- bTagLoss
    eDetected[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- bDetected
    eMoved[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- bMoved
    eRecaptured[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- bRecaptured
    eReported[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- bReported
    InLake[i,PeriodCapture[i]] <- 1
    Alive[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(1-eMortality[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    TBarTag100[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(1-eTagLoss[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    TBarTag10[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(1-eTagLoss[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    Detected[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(Monitored[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * eDetected[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    Moved[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(Alive[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * Monitored[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * eMoved[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    Recaptured[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(Alive[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * eRecaptured[i,PeriodCapture[i]])
    Reported[i,PeriodCapture[i]] ~ dbern(Recaptured[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * eReported[i,PeriodCapture[i]] * step(TBarTag100[i,PeriodCapture[i]] + TBarTag10[i,PeriodCapture[i]] - 1))
  for(j in (PeriodCapture[i]+1):nPeriod) {
    logit(eMortality[i,j]) <- bMortality + bMortalityHandling * step(PeriodCapture[i] - j + 2)
    eTagLoss[i,j] <- bTagLoss
    eDetected[i,j] <- bDetected
    eMoved[i,j] <- bMoved
    eRecaptured[i,j] <- bRecaptured
    eReported[i,j] <- bReported
    InLake[i,j] ~ dbern(InLake[i,j-1] * (1-Recaptured[i,j-1]))
    Alive[i,j] ~ dbern(Alive[i,j-1] * (1-Recaptured[i,j-1]) * (1-eMortality[i,j-1]))
    TBarTag100[i,j] ~ dbern(TBarTag100[i,j-1] * (1-Recaptured[i,j-1]) * (1-eTagLoss[i,j]))
    TBarTag10[i,j] ~ dbern(TBarTag10[i,j-1] * (1-Recaptured[i,j-1]) * (1-eTagLoss[i,j]))
    Detected[i,j] ~ dbern(InLake[i,j] * Monitored[i,j] * eDetected[i,j])
    Moved[i,j] ~ dbern(Alive[i,j] * Monitored[i,j] * eMoved[i,j])
    Recaptured[i,j] ~ dbern(Alive[i,j] * eRecaptured[i,j])
    Reported[i,j] ~ dbern(Recaptured[i,j] * eReported[i,j] * step(TBarTag100[i,j] + TBarTag10[i,j] - 1))}}

Block 3. Survival model description.



Table 1. Number of fish captured by year, species and size class. Eight Rainbow Trout were transplanted in 2019. Four fish were removed from previous captured totals as they were recaptures.

Year Species < 300 mm 300 - 500 mm >= 500 mm Total
2017 Kokanee 3 20 0 23
2017 Lake Trout 1 152 7 160
2017 Rainbow Trout 0 3 0 3
2018 Kokanee 0 2 0 2
2018 Lake Trout 4 175 19 198
2019 Lake Trout 3 152 7 162
2019 Rainbow Trout 0 8 0 8
2020 Lake Trout 0 61 6 67
Total 11 573 39 623

Table 2. Number of Lake Trout captured by size class, and tag class. Any fish > 500mm is classified as ‘large.’ Four fish were removed from previous captured totals as they were recaptures.

Year Size Acoustic and T-Bar T-Bar Only No Tag Total
2017 < 300 mm 0 1 0 1
2017 300 - 500 mm 29 112 11 152
2017 >= 500 mm 3 2 2 7
2018 < 300 mm 0 2 2 4
2018 300 - 500 mm 43 106 26 175
2018 >= 500 mm 11 4 4 19
2019 < 300 mm 0 3 0 3
2019 300 - 500 mm 55 96 1 152
2019 >= 500 mm 4 3 0 7
2020 300 - 500 mm 59 0 2 61
2020 >= 500 mm 6 0 0 6
Total 210 329 48 587


Table 3. All Lake Trout recaptures to date. Recaptures with natural mortality were tags found in the stomach of another fish!.

Date Capture Fork Length (mm) Date Recapture External Tag Number 1 External Tag Number 2 Harvested Natural Mortality
2017-06-06 445 2017-07-07 278 544 Yes No
2017-05-20 405 2017-09-08 86 337 Yes No
2017-06-01 441 2018-01-29 289 532 Yes No
2017-05-31 385 2018-02-02 441 NA Yes No
2017-06-07 439 2018-02-08 258 413 Yes No
2018-05-25 400 2018-05-28 2315 1390 Yes No
2017-05-18 360 2018-05-29 76 326 No No
2018-05-29 379 2018-05-29 151 445 No No
2018-05-25 436 2018-06-28 2316 1391 Yes No
2018-05-30 341 2018-07-03 2370 NA Yes Yes
2018-06-11 406 2018-07-03 136 552 Yes Yes
2017-05-21 370 2018-07-05 89 340 Yes No
2017-06-07 416 2018-07-16 251 404 Yes No
2018-05-25 334 2018-07-18 2320 1395 Yes No
2018-05-30 416 2018-07-24 2368 1335 No No
2017-06-02 360 2018-09-10 538 NA No No
2018-05-31 411 2019-01-15 2386 362 Yes No
2018-06-08 382 2019-01-25 2340 377 Yes No
2017-05-18 360 2019-03-09 76 326 Yes No
2018-06-07 325 2019-03-09 2327 390 Yes No
2017-05-30 402 2019-03-31 56 512 No No
2018-06-11 411 2019-05-07 140 556 Yes No
2019-05-23 421 2019-05-23 129 462 No No
2018-05-29 356 2019-06-06 2354 1347 Yes No
2017-06-01 421 2019-06-06 291 530 Yes No
2017-05-29 429 2019-06-06 70 523 Yes No
2017-06-06 405 2019-06-07 275 547 Yes No
2017-06-06 343 2019-06-11 270 424 Yes No
2018-05-28 421 2019-06-11 221 1321 No No
2018-06-07 386 2019-06-12 2326 391 No No
2018-06-11 410 2019-07-01 137 553 Yes No
2017-05-29 425 2019-07-01 65 519 Yes No
2017-05-30 480 2019-07-04 167 429 Yes No
2019-05-23 377 2019-07-06 46 596 Yes No
2018-06-11 407 2019-07-07 142 558 Yes No
2018-06-08 394 2019-07-15 149 565 Yes No
2018-05-25 395 2019-07-22 2321 1396 Yes No
2018-10-24 592 2019-07-28 134 466 Yes No
2019-06-06 349 2019-08-13 186 1490 Yes No
2019-06-06 500 2019-09-04 187 1491 Yes No
2017-05-31 450 2019-09-05 201 500 Yes No
2018-05-29 415 2019-09-05 210 1310 Yes No
2019-06-06 418 2020-01-26 196 1500 Yes No
2019-06-11 433 2020-02-15 1958 1437 Yes No
2018-06-04 404 2020-02-15 2376 358 Yes No
2018-06-08 408 2020-02-15 2350 566 Yes No
2017-05-31 386 2020-02-15 165 431 Yes No
2018-06-08 385 2020-02-16 2342 575 Yes No
2019-06-11 409 2020-02-21 1963 1442 Yes No
2019-05-23 418 2020-02-21 133 600 Yes No
2018-05-29 346 2020-02-22 2366 1337 Yes No
2017-05-24 415 2020-02-25 19 319 Yes No
2018-05-29 360 2020-02-27 2362 1341 Yes No
2019-05-27 434 2020-02-28 29 457 Yes No
2017-06-07 395 2020-03-09 405 NA Yes No
2019-06-10 414 2020-03-23 181 1485 Yes No
2018-06-07 412 2020-04-04 2335 382 Yes No
2019-05-29 346 2020-05-21 1914 1367 No No
2019-05-23 382 2020-05-24 38 590 Yes No
2019-06-06 444 2020-05-25 193 1497 No No
2019-06-10 405 2020-05-25 177 1481 No No
2018-05-30 316 2020-05-26 2372 1331 No No
2019-06-04 356 2020-06-01 1990 1468 Yes No
2018-05-31 345 2020-06-05 2375 1328 Yes No
2019-05-27 357 2020-06-06 27 455 No No
2019-06-17 330 2020-06-10 1829 1409 No No
2017-06-01 291 2020-06-16 297 449 Yes No
2018-05-28 428 2020-06-20 217 1317 Yes No
2019-05-30 334 2020-06-20 1997 1475 Yes No
2017-05-30 388 2020-06-20 51 507 No No
2018-06-11 394 2020-06-25 139 555 Yes No
2018-06-08 346 2020-06-25 2346 571 No No
2020-05-27 321 2020-06-28 2287 924 Yes No
2018-06-04 410 2020-07-02 2377 357 Yes No
2017-05-18 399 2020-07-04 78 NA No No
2017-05-24 320 2020-07-07 25 325 Yes No
2017-06-02 450 2020-07-08 288 533 Yes No
2019-05-23 411 2020-07-08 127 464 No No
2019-06-10 360 2020-07-08 1973 1477 Yes No
2018-06-11 396 2020-07-10 143 559 No No
2017-05-25 455 2020-07-13 97 346 Yes No
2018-05-25 361 2020-07-14 2314 1389 No No
2019-06-11 395 2020-07-17 1960 NA Yes No
2017-06-06 430 2020-07-20 279 543 Yes No
2019-05-29 396 2020-08-03 1906 1359 No No
2018-05-23 268 2020-08-09 236 498 Yes No
2017-05-25 407 2020-08-20 10 303 Yes No
2017-06-01 464 2020-08-23 228 497 Yes No
2019-06-05 338 2020-08-23 1988 1466 Yes No
2018-05-25 377 2020-09-07 225 1325 No No
2017-05-29 386 2020-09-08 68 521 No No
2019-06-06 368 2020-09-11 195 1499 Yes No
2017-05-25 387 2020-09-17 15 315 No No
2018-05-25 436 2020-09-26 2303 1378 Yes No
2017-06-01 449 2020-10-06 229 496 Yes No


Table 4. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
bWeight Intercept of eWeight
bWeightLength Effect of Length on bWeight
eWeight Log expected Weight
LogLength Log-transformed and centered fork length (mm)
sWeight Standard deviation of residual variation in eWeight
Weight Mass (kg)

Table 5. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bWeight 0.0159827 -0.2759497 0.2913201 0.1433785
bWeightLength 3.1810420 2.8202632 3.5303522 10.5517083
sWeight 0.0158012 0.0006179 0.0824682 10.5517083

Table 6. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
48 3 3 500 10 1332 1.002 TRUE


Table 7. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
Age[i] Scale age at capture (yr)
bK Growth coefficient (mm/yr)
bLinf Mean maximum length (mm)
bT0 Age at zero length (yr)
Length[i] Fork length at capture (mm)
sLength SD of residual variation in Length

Table 8. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bK 0.2239270 0.1562887 0.3192998 10.5517083
bLInf 449.7850808 424.2121343 481.0709733 10.5517083
bT0 -0.2094646 -1.7518991 1.0548568 0.4682289
sLength 22.3826500 17.6385343 30.2415037 10.5517083

Table 9. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
32 4 3 500 100 1264 1.001 TRUE


Table 10. Parameter descriptions.

Parameter Description
bDetected Monthly probability of detection if inlake
bMortality Log odds monthly probability of dying of natural causes
bMortalityHandling Effect of capture and handling on bMortality
bMoved Monthly probability of being detected moving between sections if alive
bRecaptured Monthly probability of being recaptured if alive
bReported Monthly probability of being reported if recaptured with one or more T-bar tags
bTagLoss Monthly probability of loss for a single T-bar tag

Table 11. Model coefficients.

term estimate lower upper svalue
bDetected 0.8984900 0.8893316 0.9077585 10.551708
bMortality -4.6388564 -5.0386173 -4.2646213 10.551708
bMortalityHandling 0.3497137 -0.3576687 1.0188721 1.493716
bMoved 0.8299588 0.8164579 0.8420149 10.551708
bRecaptured 0.0080552 0.0063431 0.0098756 10.551708
bReported 0.9921919 0.9565675 0.9997043 10.551708
bTagLoss 0.0010487 0.0008437 0.0020412 10.551708

Table 12. Model summary.

n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
23048 7 3 500 300 297 1.019 TRUE


Table 13. Summary of parameters in yield-per-recruit model.

Parameter Ecotype Estimate Description Source
tmax Small 3.00e+01 The maximum age (yr). Current Study
k Small 2.24e-01 The VB growth coefficient (yr-1). Current Study
Linf Large 7.50e+01 The VB mean maximum length (cm). Professional Judgement
Linf Small 4.50e+01 The VB mean maximum length (cm). Current Study
t0 Small -2.09e-01 The (theoretical) age at zero length (yr). Current Study
k2 Small 1.50e-01 The VB growth coefficient after length L2 (yr-1). Default
Linf2 Small 1.00e+02 The VB mean maximum length after length L2 (cm). Default
L2 Small 1.00e+03 The length (or age if negative) at which growth switches from the first to second phase (cm or yr). Default
Wb Small 3.18e+00 The weight (as a function of length) scaling exponent. Current Study
Ls Large 5.00e+01 The length (or age if negative) at which 50 % mature (cm or yr). Professional Judgement
Ls Small 3.75e+01 The length (or age if negative) at which 50 % mature (cm or yr). Spin Gillnetting
Sp Small 1.00e+02 The maturity (as a function of length) power. Default
es Small 1.00e+00 The annual probability of a mature fish spawning. Default
Sm Small 0.00e+00 The spawning mortality probability. Default
fb Small 1.00e+00 The fecundity (as a function of weight) scaling exponent. Default
tR Small 1.00e+00 The age from which survival is density-independent (yr). Default
BH Small 1.00e+00 Recruitment follows a Beverton-Holt (1) or Ricker (0) relationship. Default
Rk Small 2.50e+01 The lifetime spawners per spawner at low density. Myers et al. 1999
n Small 1.50e-01 The annual interval natural mortality rate from age tR. Default
nL Small 1.09e-01 The annual interval natural mortality rate from length Ln. Current Study
Ln Small 5.00e+01 The length (or age if negative) at which the natural mortality rate switches from n to nL (cm or yr). Default
Lv Small 3.50e+01 The length (or age if negative) at which 50 % vulnerable to harvest (cm or yr). Professional Judgement
Vp Small 2.50e+01 The vulnerability to harvest (as a function of length) power. Professional Judgement
Llo Small 0.00e+00 The lower harvest slot length (cm). Default
Lup Small 1.00e+02 The upper harvest slot length (cm). Default
Nc Small 0.00e+00 The slot limits non-compliance probability. Default
pi Small 9.25e-02 The annual capture probability. Current Study
rho Small 0.00e+00 The release probability. Default
Hm Small 0.00e+00 The hooking mortality probability. Default
Rmax Small 1.00e+00 The number of recruits at the carrying capacity (ind). Default
Wa Small 5.37e-03 The (extrapolated) weight of a 1 cm individual (g). Current Study
fa Small 1.00e+00 The (theoretical) fecundity of a 1 g female (eggs). Default
q Small 1.00e-01 The catchability (annual probability of capture) for a unit of effort. Default

Table 14. Lake Trout large ecotype yield-per-recruit calculations including the capture probability (pi), exploitation rate (u) and average age, length and weight of fish harvested.

Type pi u Yield Age Length Weight Effort
actual 0.0924925 0.0924925 0.6246279 7.117998 55.04067 2142.810 0.9211561
optimal 0.1317662 0.1317662 0.6534407 6.369201 53.19010 1924.416 1.3410547

Table 15. Lake Trout small ecotype yield-per-recruit calculations including the capture probability (pi), exploitation rate (u) and average age, length and weight of fish harvested.

Type pi u Yield Age Length Weight Effort
actual 0.0924925 0.0924925 0.0916155 10.260396 39.38564 652.8372 0.9211561
optimal 0.2924959 0.2924959 0.1305122 8.395765 37.74056 567.9933 3.2840757



Figure 1. Lake Trout captures by fork length, year and tag type.
Figure 2. Lake Trout capture location by tagging.
Figure 3. Capture rate by species and date for fish with fork length > 300 mm.


Figure 4. Location of sites with deployed receivers and estimated coverage (500m radius). Although receivers move slightly over time and after being redeployed, the centroid of all known locations for each receiver is shown.


Figure 5. Date of detections by species for each acoustically tagged fish. Grey segments indicate estimated tag life from capture date. Detections have been aggregated daily.
Figure 6. Percent of Lake Trout detections by receiver group and season.


Figure 7. Estimated weight by length (with 95% CIs).


Figure 8. Estimated length by age (with 95% CIs).


Figure 9. The estimated annual interval probabilities (with 95% CIs).


Figure 10. Lake Trout assumed age by length and ecotype.
Figure 11. Lake Trout assumed length by weight and ecotype.
Figure 12. Lake Trout assumed length by spawning and ecotype.
Figure 13. Lake Trout assumed length by vulnerability to capture and ecotype.
Figure 14. Lake Trout assumed weight by fecundity and ecotype.
Figure 15. Lake Trout calculated yield as percent of total unfished biomass by annual interval fishing mortality rate and ecotype.


Recommendations include:

  • Continue annual mobile receiver surveys.


The organizations and individuals whose contributions have made this analytic appendix possible include:

  • MFLNRO - Cariboo Region
    • Russ Bobrowski
    • Scott Horley
  • Poisson Consulting Ltd. 
    • Evan Amies-Galonski


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